No. 1
The first thing that needs to be addressed when conducting a lesson, is to start off by focusing on the fundamentals of the swing. These include where the arms and hands should be, and what needs to be done with them. Then followed by what the body is doing throughout the swing. This will help with consistency with getting the ball up into the air and off the ground.
No. 2
Once the fundamentals are learned and constant, getting technical with the swing becomes important to fine tune areas of improvement and become more consistent and confident with the swing. X Golf and V1 Sports software technology allows for one to pick apart the swing to see what it's producing. Becoming more of a technical golfer can help to conduct different types of swings needed for different shot types.
No. 3
X Golf uses their own, state-of-the-art technology with a combination of laser, light, impact and camera sensory. With that, players can read not only ball flight, but club path, angle, trajectory and velocity. The stats from the software, combined with video evidence broken down by V1 Sports Analysis, PGA professionals such as Mike Schield, can maximize the knowledge they teach their players.
X GOLF's COACHING PHILOSOPHYThe professionals out at X Golf strive to make golfers learning process more focused and easier. They believe nobody's golf swing is the same, but good players all do certain things similar. What may be a perfect solution for one players swings, may be detrimental to an others, and different parts of the game take different amounts of time and effort to learn.